Special moment captured in photos at Village on the Thames

'It was a really nice moment'
3/5/2025  - Deron Hamel

Sometimes a precious moment is found in everyday activities, which is why when a resident at the Village on the Thames recently noticed how much everyone was enjoying some social time they suggested some photos be taken to capture the scene.

So, Diamond Zelina, the Chatham-Kent seniors living community's fun co-ordinator, sprang to action and snapped some photos of the residents relaxing and enjoying warm peach cobbler and some beverages together.

“Everyone was sitting around talking and having fun,” Diamond tells S&R Today. “A resident suggested I take a picture because everyone was relaxing, having a good time and content.”

Diamond says residents were congregating in different areas; some were sitting by the fireplace, while others were at the tables.

Everyone was chatting and enjoying the atmosphere, she says.

This type of moment happens regularly at the Village, and capturing such scenes with photos preserves how special the time was.

“It was a really nice moment,” Diamond says.

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