Self-motivation has been Westmount resident's key to success in physio program

Alex Brandstatter's mobility has been continuously improving since joining the program in April
10/18/2024  - Deron Hamel
Westmount Gardens resident Alex Brandstatter (second from left) stands with the physio team who is helping him regain mobility.  

Since joining Westmount Gardens' physiotherapy program in April, resident Alex Brandstatter's mantra has been that he “won't get better by being in bed.”

When Alex began his physiotherapy regimen at the London, Ont. long-term care community, he had decreased mobility in both his arms and legs as well as decreased muscle strength, leaving him unable to walk more than 100 feet or perform sit-to-stand functions.

Today, Alex is walking approximately 1,000 feet using a forearm-supported high walker with two-person assistance and three sitting breaks.

He has been working with physiotherapist Ravi Appunni and physiotherapy assistants Hannah Gregus and Jenika Vadvani.

Both Alex and the Westmount physiotherapy team are pleased with his progress.

“Alex (has been) motivated to participate in physio for the last three months at Westmount Gardens,” Ravi tells S&R Today.

“He never refuses physiotherapy sessions (and he) is always willing to try something new.”

Much of Alex's rehabilitation program is focused on walking and increasing his endurance. Alex says he has three main future goals:

- To walk as far as he possibly can, taking fewer sitting breaks
- To start using both hands so he can cook for himself
- To get stronger and start walking more so that he can be discharged and live independently

Looking ahead, Alex says he plans to continue making gains and he says the way to accomplish that is by keeping active and continuing with the physiotherapy program.

“I don't want to be in bed,” he says. “I want to do exercises.”

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