St. Patrick's Day gets celebrated twice at Twin Lakes Village
Since residents and team members enjoy Ireland's famous holiday so much, they treated themselves to two days of fun
Deron Hamel
St. Patrick's Day is so popular at Twin Lakes Village that residents of the Sarnia seniors living community were treated to two days of fun celebrating Ireland's famous holiday.
The first round of celebration was on March 14 – what Twin Lakes Village activity co-ordinator Gina McNally calls their “pre-St. Patrick's Day theme day” – which saw residents and team members dress in green and participate in a variety of Irish and St. Patrick's Day-themed programs.
In the morning, residents and team members played the word game Alphabet Soup, the highlight of which was everyone finding about 150 words from “St. Patrick's Day”.
In the afternoon, everyone played music bingo. The songs were a mix of St. Patrick's Day-themed tunes and Irish pub music. Residents finished the day with a St. Patrick's Day-themed happy hour featuring green beer and snacks.
When St. Patrick's Day arrived on March 17, residents and team members were once again encouraged to wear their favourite St. Patrick's Day gear.
For a special meal, residents were served a traditional St. Patrick's Day dinner of corned beef and cabbage, Gina notes.
St. Patrick's Day has long been a favourite occasion for residents and team members at Steeves & Rozema seniors living and long-term care communities.
Every March 17, S&R seniors living and long-term care communities organize a wide range of events and activities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with residents.
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